Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Vaquero - Rosie
Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Vaquero - Rosie
30 Aug 2022

Clutch lever noise

Okay here we go. Have you noticed your clutch lever creaking and making noise? Having done this as part of my regular maintenance for some time, figured I would share. What happens is the master cylinder push rod pivot pin gets gummed up. This is especially true if you ride in wet dusty conditions, and let's face it if you put enough miles on it's gonna happen. My suggestion when servicing the clutch lever is to use a dry lubricant. Allowing it to dry before reassembly. This will assist with preventing road grime from building up. Use caution in making sure the pushrod is back where it belongs.... if you have to use inward pressure to insert the stay bolt it's not right and your clutch will slip. Anyways hope this helps someone along the line.

1 2.1K
  • Tony 30 Aug 2022
    Thanks for the share. I do mine every 6 months.
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