Royal Enfield Classic 500 - Two Elles
Royal Enfield Classic 500 - Two Elles
05 Sep 2022

Townsville: Day Whaaaaat!?!?!?

G'day Trendsetters. it has been a while since I have logged in here. Things got pretty crazy my last few days spent in Brisvegas (days 13-16) and I had to make a hasty run home. I camped one night at a place called Captain's Mountain. My last day on the road was over 500km of hard riding to get home.

I'll have to come back to edit this post and add some photos from "Day Last" as well as final campsites.

As I type this entry though, I am sitting in hospital having had my Left Hip replaced totally; and I was finally able to get the app working again. So, no bike pics right now, however I hope everyone enjoys some silliness pics! 😁

Pic 1: An idiot awaits surgery.

Pic 2: An idiot has had surgery.

Pic 3: An idiot's wound.

Pic 4: Food arrives.

Pic 5: An idiot's startled look when said food arrives.

《place holder for more stuff to be added by the aforementioned idiot!》

6 1.5K
  • Armon "Nuc-Kle" Brown 05 Sep 2022
    Gud Luck on ur surgery, Prayers 4 quick healin, Blessings on full recovery
    • AJay 05 Sep 2022 author
      Armon "Nuc-Kle" Brown, Thanks so much.
  • Elvira Davidson 05 Sep 2022
    did you go down?
    • AJay 05 Sep 2022 author
      Elvira Davidson, no, replacing damage done by my Military career. 😁
  • Bitrsweetone 05 Sep 2022
    prayers for a speedy recovery
    • AJay 05 Sep 2022 author
      Bitrsweetone, Hey BSO, thank you so much. All donations, especially toward the Lord of All are gratefully received.
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