Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Vaquero - Rosie
Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Vaquero - Rosie
13 Jan 2023

Dealers Suck!

Started having an issue with my VN1700's transmission. I called and made a warranty appointment for the transmission on my VN1700. Drove 100 miles round trip on 1/6 because a buddy told me they were good. They call me on 1/10 and tell me they won't even submit my claim to Kawasaki because of my personal tire preference. I called Kawasaki corporate and was told that doesn't make sense..... I couldn't agree more. Kawasaki gave me a claim number and I went to pick up my bike and take it to the dealer they suggested. During my preflight checks before leaving the lot, I noticed they installed my key switch bezel upside down, admittedly drained my oil and put the old now contaminated oil back in because they didn't have permission to services it yet. And didn't hook up my fuel tank vent line. All of which I passed on to the new dealer when I rolled in.

If the service department can't do the simple things, I'm glade they decided to pass on submitting it.... I can only fathom what would of been missed if they split the case. Remember to always check your bike when someone else works on it. This is the reason I do all my own services.

Makes me glade I didn't buy that blue '22 goldwing I was looking hard at while I was there. First and probably the last experience with this dealer. I hope they get it together, definitely not a way to do business.

On a positive note: The salesmen Shawn I was dealing with, was awesome. Super helpful and attentive. Had me talked right into that Honda. Had me ready to part with 22k when I came back to pick up my bike, when it was repaired.

Cause and effect I guess, service department interaction saved me 22k live and learn.

We'll see how the recommend shop Kawasaki sent me to does I guess. Definitely can't be any worse..... can it....?

3 2K
  • Stoneheart 13 Jan 2023
    This is absolutely why I never take mine to anyone if I can help it.

    I had a dealer service department quote me a thousand over the total value of my bike, to change a bearing… when I told them no, they sabotaged the bjeezus out of my bike after the diagnostic.
    • Ratchet 15 Jan 2023 author
      Stoneheart, Holy hell, that not good. I don't know why they have to be do damnd vindictive. Hopefully you got it sorted out.
      • Stoneheart 15 Jan 2023
        Ratchet, Oh yeah. Way.
        This was over ten years ago.

        They wanted $3500 to replace my outer final drive bearing. Which they already pulled…

        (On a Sportster, you have to gut the entire case to do that.)

        I couldn’t afford that, so I ordered the $450 of parts, and opted to do it myself.

        They reinstalled the bad bearing, banking that I’d be back for the specialty Harley Davidson tool specifically for that bearing. ($500)

        I’m a fabricator… I fucking made one for $10. XD

        I spent a total of $500 to fix a problem they wanted thousand for.

        Do, it pissed them off.
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