Desert Sled it is.

So, a Desert Sled it is………..or will become.
I’ve been doing so much body work over the last month that it felt pretty good just to get my hands greasy, and not be sweating like a pig block sanding for hours on end.
First order of business is to get the rear sprocket off
New Dunlop DOT knobby for the rear. A 19″ vintage trial tire will be mounted up front.
Vintage look 7/8″ bars in stainless from Craig at Front Street Cycle.
The boxes in front of the bars make up an electrical package from the guys at The Factory Metal Works.
This will simplify, modernize, and eliminate the battery on the old Triumph. The kit contents:
this electrical package contains
1- pazon electronic ignition setup for triumph or bsa twins
1- dual lead 12v coil 4 ohms
1- boyer nattery eliminator light delay system
40 ft of 16 gauge cloth wire in black
5 ft of 7mm black cloth electrical wire
2 staright boots and terminal for spark plugs
2 90 degree boots and terminals for spark plugs
Stay tuned………..updates will come as the bike progresses.