Flat Slide carb
I got tired of pissing around with the round slide carb that came installed on the GB. It wasn't jetted properly, it didn't have the right cables, and it wasn't the right setup for this engine. I still have the stock carb but I decided to buy a kit for a brand new 41mm Mikuni flat slide. It came pre-jetted for medium altitude and included a throttle cable of the proper length, plus a single cable aluminum throttle housing.
The carb was a little longer than the stock setup which made it very tricky to install. I got a bit rammy and ruined the o-ring. Another 2 week delay to order replacements...
figured I'd change the plug while I was at it. It was cheap.
Replacement o-ring came so I did the right thing and...
Everything had to come off. I took the opportunity to clean some hard to reach spots