Triumph Tiger 750
Triumph Tiger 750
03 Sep


Today I refitted my sludge tube and when it cam to refitting the screwed plug my replacement plug went in very easily - too easily in fact and has ended up deep in the thread.

It's very loose at the same position that the old one was - i.e. flush with the crank face. I put some Loctite on the thread but it was spinning by hand well past the flush position.

  I've driven it home with an impact screwdriver for 1/2 a turn and I'm relatively sure it won't come out. No sure how I'm going to place a retaining punch on this....

  The oil way at the back of the thread is still letting oil through and doesn't seem to be effected but it must be close or partially obstructed surely...

Any thoughts on this??


3 456
  • Scardanelli 03 Sep
    I normally put the plug back in flush with the crank as i am paranoid about blocking the oilway , then also using locktite i centre punch the bung (not the crank) very close to its edge with the intention that the metal of the bung deforms taking its thread tighter into the crank thread - i do 3 or 4 punches --always worked for me --- i have found the fit of the bungs varies depending on who the supplier/manufacturer is
  • Seacoaler 03 Sep author
    Hi Scardanelli - I too am rather concerned about blocking the oil way. The problem was that the bung was pretty free in the thread at that point (flush with the crank) and might have worked free. I also have a hex version of the bung but didn't use this as its half the depth (and weight) of the original and also span really easily in the threads. I suppose I might have to go back to the original bung - if nothing else I know it is a tight and reluctant fit!
    • Scardanelli 03 Sep
      Seacoaler, some plugs i have had also seemed a little "thin" so i didn't use them --- wasn't prepared to take the chance they may upset the balance of the crank (maybe over cautious on that) and i have also refitted bungs that are a bit battered from removal but fit well
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