27 Jun 2020

Victory laps

My wife met me at a time when I didn't have a bike...a miserable and lonely time when a v-twin sure could have come in handy to ease the stress and solitude of the life I was living at the time. I had a stressful job, found out that the woman I had recently fell in love with was really married and I was struggling to keep food on the table due to high ass child support payments.
I sure could have used a v-twin sitting on two wheels singing to me through cobra straight pipes to help ease the stress and outrun the heart ache. I turned to alcohol for a short time and before I knew it a bottle was my best friend. I was falling and I needed to change my life. One day at work after being fed up with the bullshit I put on my backpack said deuces and I jumped off the dock and kept walking (I didn't have a car because it broke down and I couldn't afford to fix it). I found a temporary job and started talking to a beautiful woman who was actually single and I eventually fixed my car. She and I started dating and I dumped the bottle. 4 years later we're still together. I found a great job I work with some really cool characters and I make a comfortable living. I have a nice home, new cars and I finished paying child support. Recently I bought a used Honda shadow vlx 600c.
Great bike low mileage 3000 and she runs like a scalded dog. My Wife says I ride too much...(NO SUCH A THING!).
She simply doesn't understand that each ride is me taking a victory lap in celebration of my victory over the bullshit I lived with for so damn long...why do you ride?

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  • Lena 28 Jun 2020
    I love the way you call your ride. your story one of the good examples of how motorcycle can change people's life. I absolutely understand your feeling, because my bike saved me from life that I wouldn't want to have myself now. I was rockstar's girlfriend and he limited my freedom, wanted me be just a housewife, he was very jealous and I had to be inconspicuous. He was against my love for motorcycles and while we were together, I threw attempts to finish the moto school and get a driver's license. Thanks to my friend and her support I did it 4 years later. she reminds me how much I love freedom and that I'm not my famous boyfriend's shadow. every time I ride I think that life is amazing when you have possibility to do what you love and enjoying this sense of freedom.
  • gamelendez7 28 Jun 2020 author
    Congratulations on breaking free. If someone tries to stop you from being happy then they really don't know you and can't truly love you. Break your chains and keep breaking them. live long and ride safe that is my wish for you.
    • Lena 28 Jun 2020
      gamelendez7, thank you!
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