Victory laps

My wife met me at a time when I didn't have a bike...a miserable and lonely time when a v-twin sure could have come in handy to ease the stress and solitude of the life I was living at the time. I had a stressful job, found out that the woman I had recently fell in love with was really married and I was struggling to keep food on the table due to high ass child support payments.
I sure could have used a v-twin sitting on two wheels singing to me through cobra straight pipes to help ease the stress and outrun the heart ache. I turned to alcohol for a short time and before I knew it a bottle was my best friend. I was falling and I needed to change my life. One day at work after being fed up with the bullshit I put on my backpack said deuces and I jumped off the dock and kept walking (I didn't have a car because it broke down and I couldn't afford to fix it). I found a temporary job and started talking to a beautiful woman who was actually single and I eventually fixed my car. She and I started dating and I dumped the bottle. 4 years later we're still together. I found a great job I work with some really cool characters and I make a comfortable living. I have a nice home, new cars and I finished paying child support. Recently I bought a used Honda shadow vlx 600c.
Great bike low mileage 3000 and she runs like a scalded dog. My Wife says I ride too much...(NO SUCH A THING!).
She simply doesn't understand that each ride is me taking a victory lap in celebration of my victory over the bullshit I lived with for so damn long...why do you ride?