Blog by Tonya Small
Ready for track season.
Tonya Small
Tonya Small
10 Feb 2021

Ready for track season.

Ready for track season to get here. Been off track for 4 years, ready to play again. Will be doing some street riding in NE TN and western NC this year. Come on spring.

7 1.8K
  • Danny 4D's 10 Feb 2021
    Can't wait for Spring to get here either, track days & daily rides you named,
    looks like you got some nice cornering skills👍
  • Dennis S. 10 Feb 2021
    Are you more up near 421? My wife and I are down in Morristown. Maybe we can ride sometime!!! I haven’t been to the track in about 8 years and plan on going back this year too. Maybe VIR North course at the end of June with P.R.E..
    • Tonya Small 17 Feb 2021 author
      Dennis S., I’m in Rogersville, so not far from you at all.
  • sheboughtaGSXR 11 Feb 2021
    Exciting! Looking forward to seeing some track shots 👌🏻
  • Dennis S. 17 Feb 2021
    Cool!!! I used to live in Surgoinsville. I’ve got a buddy...Mark Horton that lives in Rogersville. I wore 5 sets of tires out one summer riding 66, 70, 94, etc..chasing Mark!!! One day years ago we made it from surgoinsville to Rogersville in about 17 minutes across 66...we don’t ride like that all the time...just felt right that day.
    • Tonya Small 17 Feb 2021 author
      Dennis S., Awesome. I’m not super fast but can ride a decent clip. I live right off 70N and my BF comes up and brings his bike. If it ever warms up maybe we can meet up for a ride. I’m still trying to learn the roads around here. We’ve done the 70n loop around to 66 and back a few times. Would love to learn some other good roads to ride. When I lived in NC we used to do lots of rides up and down 181.
  • Dennis S. 18 Feb 2021
    Cool...when the weather gets warmer, we can plan some rides!!!
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