6 months 7k miles later...
So in my last post a lady hit n knocked my bike over in a parking lot... after all was said n done i had to pay outta pocket for some of the repairs or else they would have totaled bike (because of year) and i did not want a salvaged title since id only owned the bike a few months and its still in AWESOME CONDITION W/ LOW MILES... (3K miles ago) so i gave my boy my ideas thru text/pics... I loved the stock color because of the pearls so we matched it but threw a shit load of clear for that wetter look... I'm not into matte... and he painted my rims a shiny black and the stock color on the edge for that chopping effect but I had him paint the centers gold to just b different...!!! (They were the stock black rims) Got my other boy to do my decals in black n gold but the stock size n font... and of course my logo, my badge INTERSTATE 37!!! Here's a few pics from stock to now, 6 months 7k miles ago... had a few makeovers but I hope u guys Like!!! B safe brothers n sisters on 2s!!! #GODABOVEALL #NINJALYFE #ZX636ROSI3 #ZX10KK #BIKELYFE #2W1L #1DEEP #MRIH37 #INTERSTATE37IsMyTrack #TopSpeedRider #StreetLyfe #MatchingSHOEI

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