Around the Baltic Sea with a tent. Estonia. Part 2

So we are in Tallin....
They wanted to drink coffee in one of the most atmospheric Tallinn coffee houses in the Maiden Tower, but it now works in the hours when the museum is open. That is, before 5 pm. But on the wall was a funny exhibition of photos with bicycles and motorcycles. And even with objects that look like bikes and motorcycles. Will you find an extra object on the photo?
If you continue to walk along the wall, you can find a second coffee house, but there is very expensive and tasteless. I do not recommend ... The only advantage is the fact that you can admire the views of the city
One of the classic city views
Gulls - traditional inhabitants of Tallinn lookout areas
We spent the night at a free cozy place for picnicking just half an hour from Tallinn, and the next day we went to see an object that I really wanted to see, while sitting in New Zealand
After so many visits to Estonia, I finally got to the flooded prison Rummu - a place with truly cosmic landscapes. Formally, the territory of the flooded prison is fenced and is in private ownership, but in reality there are too many holes in the fence, and everything is guarded somehow, so that this does not prevent the mass pilgrimage. If you still want to comply with the formalities, then, as far as I understood, you can negotiate with the staff of the guest house located on the shore of the quarry, and they can organize scuba diving or renting a board SUP or some other excursion. This time we visited the object wildly. The road around the lake (career) was not very good for cars, but interesting for motorcycles, which on that day were just a pilgrimage, flocking round us from all sides
We parked on a small patch on the opposite bank from the flooded buildings and watched for some time what was happening in the binoculars
We climbed a mountain of sand, when there was no one there
It's not so simple as it seemed at first, but we did it. More precisely, we did not immediately realize that there is another way up, allowing even to drive a car. But the views opening from above clearly cost all the difficulties
On the way back we decided to make a full circle around the lake.
After such a walk and swimming, we were very hungry. We tried to go to the Padise mansion, but there was a wedding on the occasion of Saturday, and it was closed for ordinary clients.
As a result, for lunch we stopped at the castle Lights, where I was several years ago
The prices have risen a little since then, and the collection of eyes on legs, on the contrary, has thinned out
In Pärnu, we arrived at sunset. We wanted to stop for the night in the city, but because of some festival everything was booked, including the campings. Decided to move towards the border with Latvia, and we came already in the dark the next camp.
That is, in relative darkness. It seems that the sun did not go down that night.
Having woken up in the morning, we found out that in the darkness we had chosen a very picturesque place for a tent. Own table, sea view and even a swing
There was no time to swing for a long time, because Latvia was ahead ...
But this is another story....)