Day 8 - Perth to Shark Bay - 756 kms
Woke up at 4:45AM, flew from Adelaide to Perth, repaired all the damage to the bike, rode north for ten hours and set up camp. As you can see I didn't have the luxury of much spare time today so when I realised that the music playing in my helmet was looping the same song over and over I decided to wait until the next gas stop rather than take the thirty seconds to pull over and fix it. After 1 hour and 23 minutes of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from Lion King I couldn't take it anymore and pulled over on the side of the road. On a good note I know all the lyrics by heart now but I would never admit that to anyone.
To be honest I don't have much to write about today because it was pretty boring day just getting the trip started and getting away from the big cities. The only really exciting thing that happened was I ran into a swarm of bumble bees going 120 km/hr. It kind of felt like getting shot by a paintball gun about ten times in half a second. After making a mental note that I should go paint balling again soon I tried to wipe the bee debris off my helmet lens. I only succeeded in smearing the blurry bee goo and making it worse. Again I tried to wait for the next gas stop but it was right between my eyes and I was slowly going cross eyed because of it. I unzipped by jacket when I pulled over and the bee carcasses were all in the inside of my jacket stuck to my shirt. Through some miracle of aerodynamics all the dead bees were swept in through my collar and down the front of my shirt. Luckily none of them stung me and I went on my merry way humming "Can you feel the love tonight". And yes, it is still stuck in my head as I write this and get ready for bed.