KTM 990 Adventure
Moto Blog
Day 20 - Burketown to Georgetown - 549 kms
KTM 990 Adventure
KTM 990 Adventure
19 Oct 2019

Day 20 - Burketown to Georgetown - 549 kms

There are plenty of animals to kill you in Australia such as Salt Water Crocodiles, Great Whites, Bull Sharks, Brown Snakes, King Brown Snakes, Red Bellied Black Snakes, Red Backs, Box Jelly Fish, Casuary's, Blue Ring Octopi, Funnel Web Spiders, Taipans, etc.... But we saw a new one today. (see picture) Apparently there are giant carnivorous cattle that will eat your car to get to you up in Queensland.

As for our actual ride it was fairly uneventful with the highlight being Jason doing wheelies down a dirt road with me videoing while riding next to him. Jason did much better wheelies than I could and although I'm usually very graceful in defeat this is not one of those times. Jason had three distinct advantages;
1. He was on someone else's bike so the consequence of looping out was not financial, only physical.
2. He was on video which makes anyone instantly perform at a higher level.
3. The altitude was probably 20 feet lower when he was wheelying which means the air was slightly denser giving him a more stable front end while popping the mono and more power.

To be honest we switched bikes and I couldn't even get the front wheel off the ground where he was up for over a football field each time.

We did stop in Normanton for fuel where a purple bar called "The Purple Pub" caught our eye. Obviously we couldn't leave with out checking it out and obviously we couldn't check it out without having a beer. After about thirty minutes of sitting on the front porch of "The Purple Pub" watching rural Queensland life pass by we had to break our trance and head on. If we had stayed much longer we would have been there for the night and about 300 kms behind schedule. Definitely need to go back to Normanton sometime and stay for an evening.

Jason's Comments: Ditto to all of the above except for the three items mentioned prior. Please see below.

1. Damn right! Haha I almost looped it at least twice and the only reason I kept 'er up was the recollection that this here husky 650 taint mine... I like to think I was able to lean 'er back a bit deeper just in appreciation of the fact.
2. Ummmmm well, duh...
3. You should try that shit in Denver, fuckin legit.

Jason out.

1 1.8K
  • Simon Price 19 Oct 2019
    The name ‘box jellyfish’ is a bit of a misnomer as it will sting any part of the anatomy.
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