Day 43 - Queenstown to Hobart - 278km
I awoke to a loud boom and the room shaking as a violent thunderstorm rolled through. Then I remembered the old guy we rented a cabin from in Arthur River saying "Weathers changin', that NorWest breeze means it's going to get hot tomorrow and drown you with rain the next day." That guy nailed the forecast and we rode through the winding roads from Queenstown to Hobart in the pouring rain. We pulled into our hotel ready for a change of dry clothes and found out that it had been overbooked. They got us a room in the other hotel they owned and were nice enough to drive us across town to MONA after we put our stuff away. MONA stands for Museum of Old and New Art which was totally out of character for my dad and me but we'd heard good things. It was full of very cool and some very weird sculptures and pieces of art. A few of our favourites below.
The Cloaca Professional - We walked into the exhibit, immediately said "What's that smell?" and were quickly told to step back over the red line. It is a working piece of art that mimics the human digestion system. They feed it every morning and the food is processed through the reaction chambers letting off farts the whole way. Every afternoon it cuts an actual solid turd onto a plate and crowds gather around to watch it. Not something I'd have in my house but draws big crowds.
The Wall of Gina - You might have guessed but this is a hallway with hundreds of plaster vagina moulds from volunteers from age 18 - 78. It was a bit awkward walking through with my father so I tried to break the silence by saying "That's a lotta Vagina!" in my best Italian accent. Needless to say that just made it more awkward and I got some stares from the people who like to appreciate art in silence.
Overall there were many exhibits I liked and a few I didn't which I think is what the owner was going for. If you ever find yourself in Tasmania it is a must see as long as your not easily offended or upset.
That evening we rode into downtown Hobart and walked around the old fishermans dock. There was a heavy metal concert on one of the piers so we wandered out and found The Amity Affliction playing live. We would have gone in but the crowd was a bit young for us. After a few beers at the Drunken Admiral we went back to our warm hotel room and slept.