The H2 Adventure.

The adventure begins. I've always had the need for speed. Every vehicle I've ever been fortunate enough to drive has been to it's top speed. But it's not just the speed, the feeling of hitting a corner just right and that feeling of unadulterated power as you accelerate into the straight. Damn. I've owned a couple of race cars. Nothing exceptionally fancy, but Club racing worthy (SCCA). I've driven Daytona, Sebring, Moroso (now called PBIR), and Homestead. I've always owned motorcycles but until now only Cruisers. I was waiting for something special. I've ridden many sport bikes, either families or friends. Don't get me wrong each one was awesome in their own right but I was waiting for something Extraordinary. I had a feeling when I started seeing the hype around this new motorcycle from Kawasaki. I did some research and watched all the videos as the first models were tested by real people. It was time. I told my wife of my interest, a funny story all to it's own, but the short of it was she would always tell me of the excitement she had in doing what she loves. So I told her, for me that was going fast and I'd like to go look for a bike. We went to our local Kawi dealer, wandering around I find it up on a pedestal with a sign "Please don't touch". I proceed to show it off to my wife and as we're walking away discussing what it would take for this to happen she looks back and says "but it only has 1 seat", with a gigantic smile on my face I only reply "Babe that's not the kind of bike you want 2 seats on. It's a purpose built machine made only for going as fast as it possibly can." It took me another full year to get things in order. And then on Mar. 24th 2018 we drove to South Carolina from Florida to pick up my second favorite toy. (My wonderful Wife being the first). And then the real adventure began. Part 2 coming soon.