So I've been quietly amassing my stash of Triumph bits.
I now have a 1978 OIF frame, brand new custom swing arm, a yoke, engine plates, fork legs, tank, side stand and foot pegs.
Now it's time to get everything powder coated.
The big question is - what colour should I go with?
As before I'm not into originality on this project or this would be a very short conversation!
I'm torn between argent silver for an alloy look (a bit like the Royal Wedding bike) or a blue/grey titanium.
Wheels can be any colour as these are about to be sent off for powder coating and rebuilding as well.
So if you had a 1978 OIF and you were building a special what would you chose if there was no scrutineer or judge looking over your shoulder??
What have you seen out there that looked good?
Thanks for your time