Tires Part 2
First put on the rim strips, aligning the hole with the valve stem hole in the rim. On the back wheel, it's necessary to cut holes for the rim locks.
I won't detail the mechanics of convincing a stiff rubber tire with an 18-inch inner diameter to go over a rim with a 19-inch outer diameter, but it can be done. A couple of tire irons, a little soapy water, and a determined attitude is all it takes. Put one bead on, stuff in the inner tube and the rim locks, then try to get the other bead on without pinching (and thus puncturing) the inner tube. The rear wheel went without a hitch, but I ruined the first tube on the front.
With the tires on and inflated, I statically balanced them on the same jig used for checking true. Set the wheel slowly in motion and mark the bottom of the rim when it comes to rest. Repeat this a dozen or more times, and it will become obvious where the heavy side is. A "false indication " can sometimes happen where the heavy side actually stops at the top, since there is no torque arm to pull the wheel around. Once located, the heavy side can be checked by placing it at the nine o'clock or three o'clock position and releasing. The marked point should consistently fall to the bottom.
These self-stick motorcycle wheel weights, are 1/4-ounce (about 7 grams) each. I taped them on opposite the heavy side one at a time at first just to see how many it would take. When balanced, the wheel will stay in any position it is released, and show no preference for any particular point being on the bottom. In the case of my rear wheel, it took seven weights--almost two ounces.
On my rear wheel, the light side happened to be right at one of the rim lock bolts, so I was able to add some of the weight with extra nuts on the bolt. This let me get the number of 1/4-ounce weights to an even number . I split them up to both sides of the rim for better symmetry. With any self-stick item, adhesion is improved by cleaning the surface with alcohol first.
My front wheel already had this balance weight that fits on a spoke nipple. I had to add anpther 1/4 ounce to make it perfect. That yellow spot will come off with soap and water.