Asking yourself, why do we do this?!
So I wasn’t aware of a sneaky cameraman taking photographs in our box, until I received them on email a few days ago.
I recall the moment well! Having not slept much the night before, as I ran through corners I was only half familiar with and trying to remove, the monotonous pre-track day thoughts, that flood your mind the night before, preventing much needed sleep. I started the day tired.
This photo was just before going out into the last session of the day. I was absolutely smashed and the temperature in the Algarve, Portugal wasn’t helping. I remember sitting on the bike saying to myself. Why! Why do we do this and maybe I should sit this one out!
The right thing to do was to sit it out and live another day. However, of course the little kid in me egged me on to ride and complete the last session.
So you can gather by this post, I’m still alive and well, thank goodness. No sooner were we off the track and loading bikes, my mates were already discussing the next episode to book for in Spain at the Montblanco Race Circuit.
So there you have it, in September we’re off to Spain and it all starts again. Tyre warmers, the smell of gas, rubber and the scream of our 600’s chasing down the 1000’s. Priceless!