Blog by Kate
Custom Rat bike - Grandma with care from Russia
26 Mar 2021

Custom Rat bike - Grandma with care from Russia

I found this project on a Russian website, 100% custom Rat bike.

It looks very interesting, but nothing is clear, let's try to understand what it is.

Brutal rat: Rusty, rough, short, and long. But wait, where's the fuel tank? Instead, I see 6 glass bottles — in one pickles, in another pepper, in the third Moonshine, to which you connect a tube, open the tap and pour.

The wooden box serves as a seat, it is an important detail of the exterior and one of the main stylistic elements on a par with the six-section glass tank.

One of the choice is to replace the battered wooden box-a neat case, the ribs are finished with polished metal, the places of the cans with cucumbers have been replaced with plastic containers with a facehugger inside, the bike glows again and causes completely different associations — the Aliens motorcycle.

This feature opens the door to an infinite number of "skins", the motorcycle can be changed for an event or mood, and save absolutely Rat style.

The kickstand is made of a steel adjustable wrench and a horseshoe.

Fork-springer — who doesn't love springers?

Headlight-spotlight-an interesting point here is that the ability to adjust the headlight is preserved and you can set the "correct" light.

Shaft made of metal rod with bearings

If you are interested, you can watch this video, but it is in Russian. Link: https://youtu.be/FLbErsrHUzk

PS. Sorry for my English?

#ratbike #custom #build

1 4.8K
  • mark 27 Mar 2021
    way too much vodka ?
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