Blog by Gavin Brett Randall
Gavin Brett Randall
Gavin Brett Randall
14 Aug 2021


Some opinions to help me, open to any, please drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts.👍🏻👊🏻 Click below to see question👇🏻

Injured my back at work and thinking more like due to a few big off’s on track and one goodie on the road in my younger days.

The result a spinal operation to get rid of pressure on a trapped sciatic nerve and a herniated disc in between my L6 and so on....

Long story short, 3 months later I am still struggling and had to cancel a few track days. An off on track now would probably spell disaster. Besides stepping off the sidewalk is painful enough.

As you know the R6 as of 2021 is no longer being sold in Europe and from what I understand the R6 race is now out of stock already. Well in Portugal 🇵🇹, Spain 🇪🇸 and Germany 🇩🇪 i’m advised by Yamaha themselves. Getting an R6 race might have been a good option if it were available.

The question is, my 2010 model R6 is still in pretty good nick. Who thinks I should keep her and see what prices do in 2 or 4 years time, maybe a collectible? Regardless I don’t think it is worth holding onto her as I did pay €8000 for her and might just scrape about €7500 / €8000 back on her now with all the extras on her and can’t see the price going up that much in the future despite the model being discontinued.

Who thinks I should sell her / trade her in for a new R1 road my all time dream bike as for now I can only road ride. Or take a step back wait and see if I heal before making a decision.

Or keep my R6 and road ride her, put her into storage or? Advice please 🥺, what would you guys do? Thanks! 🙏

11 1.2K
  • Ryan Grech 14 Aug 2021
    Hi Gavin, first of all I hope you'll feel better soon. Secondly, were you using the R6 strictly for track days? I imagine it will ride well and is quite enjoyable on the road too, and actually might be better than getting a new R1 since it is probably lighter (although not by much).
    Since you're with the injury, I think it is better to stick with the lighter bike. Maybe even getting a bike with a more upright position since it is to be used on the road (will be more comfy). Didn't quite understand why you're making up your mind to sell the R6 though, it's a beauty. 🙂
    • Gavin Brett Randall 14 Aug 2021 author
      Ryan Grech, Hi Ryan, thanks buddie, got a feeling this injury is going to be with me for some time, I have since turned down 2x track days in Estoril, 1x Portimão, Portugal 🇵🇹 and now a 2day event at Jarez, Spain 🇪🇸 😓 A little peeved to say the least!

      Yes I was doing more km’s on track than I was doing on the road and the R6 is geared and suspension set up for full track. Pretty hard and extremely busy in the gears now for road riding. I can go through roundabouts in 6th gear 😂

      Used to race the a 250, R6 and R1 in Africa. So yeah the R6 has been the most enjoyable and easiest bike to run on track, much easier to throw around and run harder through corners. A lot more fun especially when you going passed a few 1000’s
    • Gavin Brett Randall 14 Aug 2021 author
      Ryan Grech, I have been riding this R6 now from 4000km to 13 000km and it has probably been close on 3 years now. Just thinking maybe a change. If I can’t ride track again maybe an R1 could be a bit of fun and something fresh.

      If I heal up nicely then maybe another R6 for the track in a year or so. Still want to ride road but just on the weekends. Just not sure if it’s worth spending another €13K / €14 if trade my R6 in.

      What a pity about the R6 race (only track here) also a shame about the R7 being half the HP of the R6 and being 2 cylinder!
      • Ryan Grech 15 Aug 2021
        Gavin Brett Randall, I see yeah, I can imagine the frustation of wanting to participate in track days but cannot. Personally I have never had the opportunity to experience a track, unfortunately. We don't have a track here in Malta and it is quite costly for me at this stage to keep on travelling abroad to go on track days (since one had to ship everything by a container or else catch the ferry to Sicily and drive/ride from there). However, I hope I will get to experience the track in the future. 🙂

        Hah, yeah, as stated, and you probably know more than me, it may be better to ride a bike with a more upright position then, if you're planning to enjoy riding on the road. Having said that, a 1000 would be suitable too in that case as you won't be putting such stress to your body for rapid change of direction like one does on the track, so I think that would do too I you're aiming for a 1000. I am no expert though 🙂 I am just speaking my thoughts, hah.

        Adding some €13k more to simly get a more modern bike may make sense, depending on one's tastes and way of riding. I don't think you'd get a super much much better package than your R6 (if you like that style of bike) though. Of course, modern ones have advanced more, but I am not sure if they are worth those thousands more at this stage, I am not sure that the riding experience is batter. Then again, I am nit expert, and most of my bikes are quite old.
        • Gavin Brett Randall 15 Aug 2021 author
          Ryan Grech, All your suggestions are good advice, lol. I think I may go see what options I can get from Yamaha on the subject.

          Malta, thats cool I hope life is treating you guys well there. what you riding about on now? Probably a good thing you not experiencing the track thing, it’s a disease mate, once it bites you it doesn’t let go! 😂 Been good chatting. 👍🏻👊🏻
          • Ryan Grech 16 Aug 2021
            Gavin Brett Randall, Cheers. 🙂👍🏻

            Yeah but it is super hot during this time of the year here. I still use my little Yamaha Crypton for daily use but try to avoid riding the other bikes in daytime due to the excessive heat which makes me exhausted and the bikes heat up so quickly. Moreover, our roads here are quite tiny, most of them one lane or two, and short, and yeah with traffic too, so one has to plan to ride during certain times to really enjoy and un-interrupted ride from traffic. Apart from the fact that the roads are not in the utmost condition.

            We've got a number of bikes, me and dad. From a '41 Matchless G3L and BSA M20, to a 2003 Z1000 (I've bought it last year) and my dad's '81 Honda CB900F.

            Yeah, cheers. 🙂
  • Ryan Grech 15 Aug 2021
    What do you mean by 'pity about the R6 race (only track here)'?

    Regarding the R7, I haven't checked the specs of it to be honest, but yeah, they based it on the MT07 apparently. So not really having a supersport engine, although I imagine that the setup would be different.
    • Gavin Brett Randall 15 Aug 2021 author
      Ryan Grech, Here in Europe the R6 2021 model is off the market and cannot be bought for road legal registration. Due to emissions controls being exceeded that Yamaha decided was not financially worth pursuing. Besides they said they would prefer to slap a MT07 twin cylinder motor into a narrow tubular frame and call it an R7 with about 70 odd HP. Basically a a bike that conforms to Euro emission controls and retails at around €4000 less than the R6, meaning the R7 would not only fill but possibly sell well in the gap between the R3 and the R1 models, making it far more affordable and an attractive package for those younger riders riding around on a bike in fancy dress. A clever marketing strategy by Yamaha.

      This means the R6 old stock was rebranded “R6 Race” basically a standard R6 from 2020 sold on 2021 but with no registration and can only be run on track. Of course you can then order electronics, exhaust, chip, full race fairing and seat and so on.

      I have a mate that bought one for €12 000 and proceeded to spend another €9 000 on it to fully track it. However as standard now they are not road legal. You can only buy a 2nd hand R6 or jump to a R1 or R1M or wait for the R7 i think within a month or two.
      • Ryan Grech 16 Aug 2021
        Gavin Brett Randall, Oohh I see! I thought the R6 was gping to be totally discontinued, not simply restricted for track here in Europe. I was mistaken then. Hmmm that sucks, they have also discontinued the Old School XJR1300 which I really love as a bike (my dad owns a 2002 one), due to emissions.

        The MT07 would still be a great bike I think, but as you stated earlier, it won't have the same spirit as the R6 then.

        Are you from Portugal?
        • Gavin Brett Randall 16 Aug 2021 author
          Ryan Grech, Yep, no more R6 Race’s available.... so I think the model will die out in Europe.

          Cool, you guys sound like an enthusiastic biking family. XJR1300 long time since I’ve seen one, especially the BSA. I bet the BSA is worth a few bob now. 👍🏻

          Yes we moved to Portugal 🇵🇹 2017 from Harare, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼. Really great place to ride, but as you say August is incredibly hot 🥵
          • Ryan Grech 16 Aug 2021
            Gavin Brett Randall, Yeah, I went on a 3-day trip abroad on the BSA M20 too, it is great, although the vibrations make my hands numb as well as my ass. 😅😅 But quite a reliable bike.

            Great. Would lile to visit Portugal someday. Cheers.
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