Suzuki GSXR 600
Suzuki GSXR 600
06 Nov 2019

Wiring connection

Hi guys, new around here, i own 2011 600. I got it home and figured I’d start looking a little deeper. I decided to look at the air cleaner to be sure it didn’t need replaced. It was a K&N that was pretty clean but might need a re-charge. I also not noticed one of the screw holes for the cover seems to be stripped out ?
I seen a few things that caught my eye. Anyone happen to know why or what they might be to?

11 3.2K
  • Kronic customs 07 Nov 2019
    are you asking what the connections are.?
    • Ana Martinez 07 Nov 2019 author
      Kronic customs, Yes, it looks disconnected
      Or the photo with what seems to be an unplugged connector with a resistor in? Just seems really weird to me and obviously not normal.
  • Jose Leonardo 07 Nov 2019
    It's quite simple.
    Metal screw + plastic cover + overtightening = stripped threads.
    • Ana Martinez 07 Nov 2019 author
      Jose Leonardo, Yes I agree, just sucks it’s my problem now.
  • Kronic customs 07 Nov 2019
    the yellow and black plug looks like the the plug that runs down to the crank position sensor. first pic is your cdi box the one u have circled cant really tell what its plugging in to but cant recall sieng a plug like that with a resistor in it
    • Balint 07 Nov 2019
      Kronic customs, Looks like the fan switch plug in the rad, but not sure. Make more sense if it were airbox mod. Some bullshit snake oil resistors are sold to trick the ecm to fuel for constant colder air.
      A resistor would make sense for ignition also, but not quite like that.
    • Ana Martinez 07 Nov 2019 author
      Kronic customs, Any idea on what or why the resistor May be doing? Or why it might be needed?
      I’d like to try and plug them all back in but not if it’s going to mess something up.
      Any suggestions?
      • Kronic customs 07 Nov 2019
        Ana Martinez, any chance u can get a better picture of what its plugged into? like Balint said if it was airbox mod that would make sense but anything on radiator wouldnt make any sence.
        • Ana Martinez 07 Nov 2019 author
          Kronic customs, I’ll get a closer look and take some more pics tonight when I get home. Thanks for all the replies guys!
          • Kronic customs 07 Nov 2019
            Ana Martinez, no problem hopefully we can help get things straight for ya
  • No0ne 07 Nov 2019
    The three wire connector could be for the drive mode selector (do 600's have them?), which I gather is on the left handlebar. The jumper could be because the PAIR system was removed or it could be because the steering damper was replaced with a non-variable damper or its connector was damaged. Find out what color wires are on the other side. Based on the 1000, the damper is B/Bl & B/O while the PAIR solenoid is O/W & W/G.

    P.S. Track down a service manual. All will be revealed.
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