Harley-Davidson Softail Standard - Attaboy
Harley-Davidson Softail Standard - Attaboy
29 Jan 2020

Hello everyone, I'm new here.

Hello, my name is Roman, I have been living in Illinois since 1990. I've been riding a motorcycle since 2002. drove about 130,000 miles across the US. Until 2002, I thought that only crazy people ride motorcycles, but one day my friend began to persuade me to sign up for courses to learn how to ride a motorcycle (he alone is bored). After a month of persuasion, he agreed (my wife can't forgive him until now). Since then, my head has disappeared. The first motorcycle was Kawasaki 250 cc, but after a month I realized that I want a real motorcycle. After driving around all the dealerships in the area and sitting on different bikes bought a Harley softail standard (ass said: "take it, it!").

I ride it about 80,000 miles, had done the "Iron Butt" riding through 48 States in less than 10 days.I rode it until 2010 until I had an accident. As a result, two legs are broken, and the motorcycle is written off.

While I was lying in my bed, I found what I want next. Harley Heritage-absolutely what you need, large bags, glass, classic look, perfect for the city and for long trips. When I removed the cast from one leg, I went to the dealership and bought a new bike. By spring, the cast was removed from the second leg (when the doctor found out that I had already bought a new motorcycle, she led the interns to show everyone - crazy man). The new bike turned out to be what I needed, only I had to raise the footrests by 2 inches.

I visited 6 national parks, passed the next standard of IBA (from the East to the West coast on the road number 50 in less than 4 days about 5000 km), the road to work, and on weekends for fun, for example, around the state of Illinoy or to the source of the Mississippi. Until all. I will posts my old and new trips, of course with photos. Good luck to everyone. Spring is coming.

2 2.3K
  • Trav 30 Jan 2020
    Way to go! Good job not letting it scare you! I'm a lifer too. I've had some minor accidents, and hope when I die, it will be on one of my bikes! I've currently got a Concouts 14, yzf600r, Vulcan 800, and 4 dirt bikes (WR426f, ktm 380 exc, ttr125, cr80r).

    Ride or die my man!
    • Trav 30 Jan 2020
      Trav, typo: Concours 14
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