Suzuki GS500 engine repair. Part 1.
When the motorcycle was running, suddenly there was a loud knocking noise and the engine seized up. With great difficulty the spark plug was unscrewed from the right cylinder, or rather its
half of them, it was obvious things were bad.
After removing the engine, valve cover, pastels and camshafts, nothing criminal was noticed.
However, when removing the valve basket, the picture was sad.
It does not promise anything good. When removing the cylinder head, I was unpleasantly surprised by the old gasket on the sealant
The head looked like this:
The piston is like this:
And that's pretty much it:
As a result, the block head, a set of pistons with rings, cylinder block, and most likely, the crankshaft with connecting rod.
There are several variants of what happened: valve loosened (tired springs did not have time to close), the valve seat popped out (engine overheating), the valve guide sleeve was broken and as a consequence it loosened.
Continuation follows after delivery of the necessary components.