Sammy Pierce and the P-61 American Rocket
The picture shows Sammy Pierce on his P-61 Road Rocket. Pierce, originally an Indian and Norton dealer, loved the Indian motorcycle. After Indian's demise in 1953, he collected all the parts he could find and created one of the largest Indian stockpiles of old NOS parts. Born on a farm near Kansas City in 1913, his entire life was given over to motorcycle endeavors. He primarily lived in California, sold Indian parts, and built about 50 new Indians from old parts. In 1967 and 1968 he had a license to sell re-manufactured Indian motorcycles. He has often been credited with saving Indian by gathering old stock, re-manufacturing a few rare parts, and promoting the Indian brand till his death (sometime in the 1980s). The P-61 was a machine that he built over the years and he considered it to be the ultimate Indian. It dates from the mid-1950s