The sprocket is held on with 8 bolts and was very easy to remove I have ordered new bolts and spring washers from Greystone Enterprises for when the sprocket is ready to be replaced. This Sprocket is by no means standard, it has 72 teeth. A sprocket of this size would commonly be described as a tree climber! The sprocket was wire brushed to remove loose rust, cleaned and sprayed with etch primer. I have a can of red Hammerite on order via Ebay, you can blame Mike the Bike for the colour choice. Spray paint has arrived, oh my god that is red! I can't wait until I get it on the bike. The eight bolts and washers have arrived, they didn't fit straight away, I needed to file the sprocket holes a bit to get them to slide into place, but the sprocket is now back on the bike.