Kawasaki Z1000 - Elf
Kawasaki Z1000 - Elf
25 Apr 2017

Assembly and Start Up

The paint All Plastidip came out really nicely.
However spots that were hit by oil and gas did not last.
have learned a lot about using it,
And when I repaint it, It will be much better. (has been done since this writing)

One night T and Started getting the engine in. It took us a while but we got it in.

I got Dynojets in the carbs and we got it all put together.

It was time to start it:

Its hard to describe the feeling of getting it started. You have to understand that both myself and my friend helping me build it, had many doubts the the 100 cc upgrade could actually work. However once she was running, all the doubts were answered.

2 2.6K
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