Ducati Monster 620 - Duxy
Moto Blog
Summer weekend on island Brač
Ducati Monster 620 - Duxy
Ducati Monster 620 - Duxy
03 Dec 2019

Summer weekend on island Brač

Every year, first weekend in July, there is a moto meet we always visit. This year, i didnt go there just with the boys like always, i took two of my friends also, Harri (from England) and my neighbour Irina. That was a bit different adventure ? Friday, the first day, ride from Ljubljana to island Brac (Croatia), around 520km, settled and got drunk, doh ? Next day, we visited Bol beach, really nice place, went to Vidova gora(highest point around most of the islands, the view is insane) aand.... wanted to get drunk again. Me and Irina were so tired we went to sleep for 1 hour(we woke up at 5am?) while Harri partied with locals. When you get drunk and stoned at 7am... Now thats something to talk about? went for a quick nap at 10,11am??sunday was lazy, hangover as usual, and Monday another 520km to Ljubljana. Awesome company makes the best adventures!

Start at 6am :)

Pit stop ?

The view of Trogir (small city near Split in Croatia)

Vidova gora

Duxy goes everywhere ;)

Coffee in Šibenik :)

First beer on ferry, after 500km??

Dont remember this chick to be honest?

Hot dogs!

Parked on Vidova gora

And the view on islands

Someone was too tired

Every year the same story?

The guy went home with that bike?


3 2.1K
  • Yrvin Marcel 03 Dec 2019
    What happened to your rear tire! )))
    • Maya Dux 03 Dec 2019 author
      Yrvin Marcel, Its not mine, bike was from one guy i was drinking with?
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