Honda CBR 600RR - Mica Pearl II
Moto Blog
Girls Aren’t Supposed to Ride Motorcycles
Honda CBR 600RR - Mica Pearl II
Honda CBR 600RR - Mica Pearl II
12 Nov 2020

Girls Aren’t Supposed to Ride Motorcycles

I wish I could say I’ve rode daily since I was 10 years old but it was a sneaky little secret hidden from my step dad. “Girls aren’t supposed to ride motorcycles” were his words to me and all it took was watching my little brother ride that 50cc bike and I was addicted. I knew I wanted to ride that bike more than anything. The braking part, I learned after the second ride. That was an interesting first ride.

I don’t look at life from a “girls perspective”, that’s too simple. I look at it from a fun perspective. I was raised by an ex-marine drill instructor, who cursed like a sailor and raced cars. I was a mechanics helper by the age of 10. I knew about cars more than I knew about school.

Nobody told me there were two wheeled machines and when I saw the first one, my world stopped and I knew that I wanted one. Hearing “girls don’t ride” was all the more reason to get on two wheels and ride into the sunset. Just kidding, I was 10 years old. I might cruise down the road or in my case, grandma’s back yard in the country.

Humble and secretive beginnings of a two wheeled addiction started at a young age and lasts until today. I swore to myself that I’d ride every 2 wheeled bike I could and I have. By now, I’ve owned and rode more than 15 bikes in my lifetime. I watched my stepdad buy and toss out cars often, so I thought that was the norm. I never knew someone bought a motorcycle and actually kept it for life.

Rebuilding and maintenance was temporary until the next car then or building cycle took over and I realized, maybe why not buy new and not worry about working on cars daily? I mean, it would save time, money, etc. Hence, “15 bikes” later. I’m on one of my last bikes I’ll ever own because this one is my life bike. My next bike will be another life bike but also the newest I’ve ever owned. I’m excited for the bike but never the new loan.

47 pushing 48 years, 37 to 38 of riding experiences including cross country rides, moto camping, rallies, poker runs and group rides, I’m ready for more. There’s no age limit to riding and if you say there is, I still won’t listen. You can stop at whatever age you set your

mind to stop and I’ll keep mine unlimited. I’ll ride until my hair is gray because this will forever be my truest happiness and first love.

15 3K
  • WavveByye 12 Nov 2020
    Love It??
    Continue To Ride! ?? Continue Being Safe Always???❤?
    • CBR_GRL 12 Nov 2020 author
      WavveByye, Same to you! ❤️Thank you ??✌?
  • Jacob Larson 12 Nov 2020
    I’m glad you proved them wrong. Life on two wheels is just so much better
    • CBR_GRL 13 Nov 2020 author
      Jacob Larson, Most definitely the only way to live! ???✌?
  • Russell Taylor 13 Nov 2020
    Great bio!
  • Axel Rider 14 Nov 2020
    men who say things like that are insecure and afraid that a woman realizing her own worth and power will ultimately leave and be out of their control.
    Riding is the ultimate freedom! Enjoy your freedom, strength and power! ?
    • CBR_GRL 14 Nov 2020 author
      Axel Rider, Thanks meanmama62. I think he came from that old generation where women stayed home and didn’t do what “men” did. You were right. ?
  • Axel Rider 14 Nov 2020
    Women did do it! that's what scared them. Many women rode motors from the very beginnings but it was kept quiet. check out the history!
    • CBR_GRL 14 Nov 2020 author
      Axel Rider, I never knew or heard about it until the last 10 years. I follow a lady who’s in her mid 80s and still riding! That’s amazing to me. ❤️
  • Axel Rider 14 Nov 2020
    True Alpha males desire and encourage a woman to be strong and independent. Only Betas or Omegas need to control or abuse women to feel powerful. most men are Betas. Enjoy! ?
    • CBR_GRL 14 Nov 2020 author
      Axel Rider, Thanks ?
  • RemoteCoderZ 25 Nov 2020
    women weren't supposed to vote, have possessions, or work in a man's profession. yet time and time again resilient women find a way to challenge the status quo. Eppur Si Muove is a special phrase for me because it says "and yet it moves". The famous astronomer Galileo said that phrase to the church of England in protest that earth revolves around the sun, and not the other way around. He was tossed into prison after saying those words. He challenged the status quo. I love meeting people who have a passion for riding. That too also challenges the status quo (catching a reoccurring theme???). Riding is too dangerous they say. So is living. :) Ride to live.
    • CBR_GRL 22 Feb 2022 author
      RemoteCoderZ, What’s your name from? I’m about to start Network Admin with a cyber security focus.
  • CBR_GRL 25 Nov 2020 author
    So very true. I love that saying, Eppur Si Muove. Other people are the real danger, riding is fun and definitely living.
  • Tommy 23 Feb 2021
    where you from
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