I finally found a sound explanation for the LC8c camshaft failures from Pirate Racing in Germany.
I finally found a sound explanation for the LC8c camshaft failures from Pirate Racing in Germany. These guys are absolute top-notch KTM repair and racing experts. They 100% know what they are doing! There is a set of videos regarding a 790 Duke with an engine failure due to KTM installing pistons backwards when building this engine. They also found worn cams in the engine and decided to investigate this a little more in detail. BEcause of cam fitting issues Pirate Racing sent the cams and head away to an automotive and motorcycle OEM supplier who builds camshafts for car and motorcycle companies to repair the fitting issue. This is a knowledgeable OEM supplier with decades of experience in building camshafts. In discussions with the owner after the cam fitting issue was fixed, they determined that pairing "only" case-hardened camshafts (which the LC8c are) with the DLC-coated followers is a bad metal combination. Most of the explanation starts at minute 8:00. It's in German ... no problem for me but you guys will need to use subtitles with auto-translation. This tells a story that the many failures are caused by a bad design due to KTM pairing metals hardened and treated in a way which do not wear well together.