Fujimi '88 Suzuki RGV500 Gamma
I have brought this project to closure. It was a difficult build to say the least, from poor fit, some molding issues, decals, to adding some extra detail parts. It all totaled a challenge. Overall I am happy with the result, although there are a few areas where it was trying me and I did not put in the extra effort. I tried a few new things with this build, first time creating my own welds on the frame and pipes, filling in the frame for a more realistic look, carving out the links on the stock plastic chain, and also toned down the gloss coat by adding 10% matt clear to the mix.
I will put this one in the cabinet to remind me of what I have learned. On to the next challenge!
Thanks to all that have followed and commented on the page and posts, as always, much appreciated. If you haven't checked my page out, I posted progress of this build and other as I go.